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Petrofix group provides technical and engineering experts to the oil and gas , power sector and infrastructural development industries worldwide, with our staff having more than 21years of Experience in these various sectors of industry and Having worked in various industries such as Oil and gas,Power and Infrastructural development industries we are fully capable of delivering the best of technical support to our clients.

Our staff are chosen from university educated and the most experienced candidates to ensure required knowledge and experience to give the best technical service in your international projects and clients.

Our services are not limited to making placements ,we also guarantee to support our contractors throughout their assignment including visas, payroll, insurance and security.


Our services bring three key benefits to our clients :


we quickly complete tasks that can really drain your resources thereby working with Petrofix group ensures cost savings to clients.

Business Improvement

Our clients have testified to various degrees of improvements while working with staff from Petrofix group.


with our staff handling your projects you can be extremely confident that quality services are assured.


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